one at a time.

“Our mission at ABC Legacy Foundation’s Funds for Good is to support the next generation of startups and entrepreneurs who are addressing the biggest challenges in health, education, agriculture, and the environment through innovative technology for good. We believe that by investing in these courageous and visionary leaders, we can create a better future for our planet and subsequent generations, while driving better social outcomes and economic growth in our AWE communities.

If we don’t take care of the problem, who will?

The problem is the severe environmental impact and damage caused by human industrial and consumer activity over the past century. This has led to the production of billions of tonnes of waste material, including plastics, that enter the environment and cause significant damage to ecosystems. In addition, the increasing global population and use of industrial processes are having extraordinary influences on the world’s ecosystems, leading to an acceleration of a feedback loop that causes an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and mass extinction of biodiversity in the oceans. Urgent action is required to address these issues before they cause irreparable harm to the planet and future generations.

Contact Us

ABC Legacy Private Foundation

[email protected]
778-350-7001 Canada

332-255-8662 USA